The Supplies You Need For Your Family-Friendly Home Office

As your family continues to get bigger and your children grow, you will find that you struggle to keep pace with how quick their attention spans can move. From playing in the garden to arts and craft, in seconds they will have your head spinning. The only way to effectively counter their appetite for entertainment is to be effectively prepared and fully stocked. When it comes to playing with your kids, giving them something to do in the house where you can supervise them is always positive. That is why keeping a well-supplied office is beneficial for looking after your kids as well as giving you tools you might need in the future.

Rubber Stamps

Widely available rubber stamps are a great tool that kids learn to use very easily. The tactile function of having to physically stamp something is fun for kids, and they can create all sorts of patterns in different colours. Rubber stamps are also good for you because they can be used for dating documents and letters and some can even be customised to put down other short phrases. Getting different colour inks and showing your kids how they work can be a learning experience for them as well.


Loved by kids of all ages, stickers remain a constant source of entertainment. From themed packs of stickers based on the latest children's film to generic packs of dinosaurs, trucks and anything else you could think of, there is something here for everyone. Stickers are great for making projects as well, and if you combine them with some felt markers, you could make some individual signs with your kids or some other artwork to decorate your house with a really personal memory. 

Stencil Maker

Stencil makers can be used by you to make fun and interesting designs for your kids to copy down. If your children are struggling with drawing a particular image or even writing their ABCs, then you can quickly design a stencil for them to use. Stencil makers can also come in handy for adults to make designs on shirts for presents or work conferences. A bit more obscure, stencil makers nonetheless provide a lot of entertainment and are relatively cheap. 


Paste can be used to create textured art and is also just a lot of fun to spread all over anything kids can get their hands on. Make sure you get a water-soluble paste, however, as otherwise, you could face the wrath of your kids' destructive tendencies. Paste can also be used as an introductory tool to glue, and introducing things like this to them at an early age will help with their progression. 
