5 Signs You Should Put Signage on Your Vehicle

Vehicle signage makes it easy to advertise a business on your vehicle. You can use removable magnets on the doors or wrap the entire car in vinyl to make a huge impact. Wondering if vehicle signage is right for your situation? Here are five clues you should consider it.

1. You Drive a Lot

If you hardly ever drive, vehicle signage probably doesn't make a lot of sense for you. However, if you commute long distance, drive the kids around for a lot of activities or even if you park your car outside all day long in a busy area, you may want to turn to vehicle signage. Your car is already been seen by a lot of people, so why not turn it into a mobile billboard?

2. You Can't Afford a Billboard

When you own a business, advertising can get expensive, and if you want the thrust of a billboard without the expense, you may want to turn to vehicle signage. Before putting signs on your vehicle, however, you may want to double check local laws. Some areas have restrictions on how much verbiage you can have on your vehicle as it may be a distraction to other drivers.

3. You Want More Clients

As a business owner, you need more clients to grow. Finding new clients can be difficult, but if you're out driving all the time, your vehicle can be a great way to reach out to potential customers. Consider making the signs short and simple.

Include contact information that makes it very easy for people to find you. That may be a phone number that's pegged to letters such as 555-DOGS for a petsitting company or 555-HAIR for a salon. Otherwise, put up a very easy to remember web address.

4. You Have a Mobile Business

Many people are running mobile businesses. That can be anything from food trucks to home health care to mobile dog grooming. When your business is mobile, you don't have a storefront that advertises your business to people, and again, you may want vehicle signage to fill that role.

5. You Want Extra Money

You don't necessarily even have to own a business for vehicle signage to make sense. There are some businesses in Australia that will pay you to put signage on your vehicle. If you have friends or relatives with businesses, they may even be willing to pay you to put vehicle signage on your car.

